N. 122, NOVEMBRE, 2009
# 122, NOVEMBER 2009
Risorse dell’ambiente e patrimoni culturali. Idee per lo sviluppo locale.
Seminario di Formazione
Seulo (Sardinia) 6-7 Novembre 2009
Segreteria organizzativa Ecomuseo dell’Alto Flumendosa.
San Michele all’Adige, 5-7 novembre 2009
Carnival King of Europe / Carnevale Re d’Europa
Seminario Permanente di Etnografia Alpina (SPEA 13/2009)
Carnival King of Europe / Carnevale re d’Europa. Potere, ritualità e i popoli senza storia. Giornate di studio in onore di Eric R. Wolf (1923-1999), nel decennale della scomparsa
Programma completo:
L’Institut de Recherche et d’Etudes Supérieures du Tourisme (IREST), l’Équipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Tourisme (EIREST) de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne organisent en juin 2010 un colloque international: PARIS, TOURISME et METROPOLISATION. Echelles, acteurs et pratiques du tourisme d’une “destination capitale”.
Du 24 au 26 juin 2010 PARIS, La Sorbonne Amphithéâtre Richelieu
Cette manifestation scientifique s’inscrit dans une grande actualité alors que l’agglomération parisienne interroge le devenir du Grand Paris.
Faisant l’hypothèse du tourisme et des loisirs comme accélérateur voir producteur de métropolisation, ce colloque a pour objectif d’explorer les relations entre le tourisme et la métropole parisienne. Il invite à revisiter la relation du tourisme à l’espace, l’économie et la société des territoires de Paris et de la métropole parisienne.
Les propositions sont à remettre avant le 18 janvier 2010.
Maria Gravari-Barbas
Directrice, Institut de Recherche et d”Etudes Supérieures du Tourisme (IREST)
Chaire UNESCO Tourisme, Culture et Développement, coordinatrice du réseau UNITWIN
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
6, Rue Jean Calvin 75005 PARIS – 2e étage
Tel : (33) 1 58 10 22 30 / 00 (33) 6 75 50 67 70
Fax : (33) 1 45 81 53 11
e-mail : [email protected]
1st Global Conference
The Gothic – Exploring Critical Issues
Thursday 6th May – Saturday 8th May 2010
Prague, Czech Republic
Call for Papers
This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary
project seeks to engage and explore the cultural
significance and enduring narratives within the
realm of the Gothic in culture at large. From its
literary and historical roots to its (post)modern
incarnations as a cultural subgenre present in
popular fiction and film, this project seeks to
explore the territories of the Gothic in all of
its manifestations.
Suggested topics and themes include (but are not
limited to):
* Classic Gothic Literature and its resurgence
* The Gothick
* Gothic Culture(s) as a living experience/ethos
* Gothic Media (Cinema, Television, Games,
Graphic Novels, Role Playing)
* Gothic Music
* Misrepresenting the Gothic
* Apocalyptic narratives
* Fashioning Bodies, styles and convention
* Modern and Postmodern paradigms (19th, 20th
& 21st century ‘Gothics’)
* Gothic and Horror Narratives
* Gothic as Horror or Horror as Gothic?
* Popular Culture
* Queer Gothic
* Identity
*Scapegoating/ derision/
condemnation of the Gothic in culture
* The philosophy of ‘dark’ culture
* Geographical Gothic
* Gothic space; Gothic architecture
* Gender and Sexualities
* Contrasting the ‘emo’ and the ‘goth’
The Steering Group particularly welcomes the
submission of pre-formed panel proposals. Papers
will also be considered on any related theme.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday
27th November 2009. If an abstract is accepted for
the conference, a full draft paper should be
submitted by Friday 12th March 2009.
300 word abstracts should be submitted
simultaneously to both Organising Chairs;
abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF
formats with the following information and in this
a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d)
title of abstract, e) body of abstract.
Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain
from using footnotes and any special formatting,
characters or emphasis (such as bold,
italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and
answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do
not receive a reply from us in a week you
should assume we did not receive your proposal; it
might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to
look for an alternative electronic route or resend.
Organising Chairs:
* Sorcha Ni Fhlainn
Hub Leader, Project Co-Leader, School of English,
Trinity College,
Dublin, Ireland
E-mail: [email protected]
* Stephen Morris
Hub Leader, Independent Scholar, New York USA
E-mail: [email protected]
* Rob Fisher
Network Founder and
Leader,Inter-Disciplinary.Net,Freeland, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]
The conference is part of the Critical Issues
programme of research projects. It aims to bring
together people from different areas and
interests to share ideas and explore various
discussions which are innovative and exciting. All
papers accepted for and presented at the
conference will be eligible for publication in an
ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for
publication in a themed hard copy volume(s).
For further details about the project please visit:
Ragazzi, Rossella Walking on Uneven Paths
The Transcultural Experience of Children entering Europe in the Years 2000
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2009. XVIII, 222 pp., ISBN 978-3-0343-0042-1
Order online:
What can we learn from children traversing the liminal and transient time-space of migration? How do migrant children and their caretakers navigate
educational systems in Europe today? How is it to be captive in an inner city classroom? How do children’s body language and verbal dominant languages
interface? How does a child become mediator between their family and the educational institutions? This anthropologically grounded study, integrated by
ethnographic film excerpts and based on a culturally-reflexive approach to the use of media in the research practices, explores the transcultural
experience of migrant children between 6 and 13 years, by closely analysing the particular codes, rhythms and practices of educational systems in Ireland
and France. The children’s experiences are represented in both the film sequences and the written text, in the form of their personal, shared viewpoints
about cultural diversity, biographical accounts and social practices in the family and at school. These are experiences which they have worked through,
from a time preceding migration and to the present. The film captures the sensibilities of migrant children and invites the reader/viewer to embark on these
somewhat uneven paths.
Contents: Framing Migration and Childhood: An Anthropological Film Approach – The Intercultural Classroom in Paris – In the Migrant Family Home: The
Intergenerational Performance of Cultural Identity – The Agency of Migrant Children: Five Narratives.
The Author: Rossella Ragazzi (1965) is currently Research Fellow in Visual Culture Studies and Media applied to Anthropology at the University Museum
of Tromsø University, Norway. She is also a filmmaker and worked in Italy, France, Cameroon, Bolivia, Norway and Ireland.
Il cibo è cultura, è storia, è geografia, e al di là delle mere logiche nutrizionali tutti noi utilizziamo il cibo per motivi sociali, culturali e simbolici radicati da sempre nelle civiltà . Antropologia del mangiare e del bere è un testo fondamentale per analizzare la complessità dell’attuale paesaggio del cibo nel mondo occidentale. Dall’alimentazione come medium socio-culturale agli aspetti storici ed etnografici dello svezzamento, dalla storia antropologica della cucina italiana agli aspetti culturali del mondo del vino, dalla biodiversità all’erosione genetica delle varietà coltivate, sino a concludere con un’analisi dell’alimentazione odierna tra i poli del “locale” e del “globale”, in un mondo sempre più globalizzato.
Alessandra Guigoni è dottore di ricerca in metodologie della ricerca etnoantropologica; collabora con la cattedra di Antropologia culturale dell’università di Cagliari e con quella di Etnologia dell’Università di Genova, occupandosi di antropologia dell’alimentazione. Si è anche interessata di civiltà indigene d’America, etnografia virtuale e interculturalismo. Ha al suo attivo una quarantina di pubblicazioni, tra cui i libri:Foodscapes. Stili mode e culture del cibo oggi (2004) e Saperi e sapori del mediterraneo (2006).
ISBN: 978-88-95458-00-7 – 15.00EUR
Per acquistarlo:
Edizioni Altravista
via Emilia, 28
27050 – Torrazza Coste (PV)
Tel: 0383 364 859
Fax: 0383 377 926
Portale dell’Associazione Nazionale Universitaria degli Antropologi Culturali
Suddiviso in diverse sezioni, comprende Call for papers, Ricerche, Links, Eventi e Novita’ editoriali costantemente aggiornati; oltre alla rubrica dedicata alla GENTE D’ABRUZZO la lettera di protesta al MIBAC contro la cancellazione del profilo DEA.
Nel sito della Simbdea (Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Demoetnoantropologici) è stata attivata una petizione contro la scomparsa del profilo del demoetnoantropologo nella riorganizzazione degli uffici e dei ruoli all’interno del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. Se si vuole, si può firmare alla pagina:
Nella seconda pagina c’è anche la lista dei firmatari:
Al 31 ottobre 2009 hanno firmato la petizione circa 1100 persone.
Grazie per esservi iscritti. Per comunicare con noi e partecipare inviando notizie e brevi articoli: [email protected]
Thanks for your subscription. To send news, articles and announcements please write to: [email protected]
Muchas gracias a los amigos que suscribieron la lista. Bienvenidos. Contacto: [email protected]
Merci de votre inscription à la lettre d’information électronique, pour touts renseignements m’écrire à l’adresse : [email protected].
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